Tutoring for Grades 6-12
Every month
Our tutors provide individualized support tailored to your learning style and academic goals.
Valid until canceled
1-on-1 Tutoring
Unlimited Classes
Multiple Subjects (AP, IB, Honors, etc.)
SAT / ACT/ PSAT Test Preparations
Peace of Mind
Build a Stand-Out Passion Project
Every year
Discover your path with a personalized career roadmap, expert guidance, and 12 months of tailored support to build a passion project that showcases your unique skills and sets you apart!
Valid until canceled
2-Hour Career Assessment Consultation
Career Discovery Report (20-30+ pages)
Personalized Insights into Psychology, Passions, and Long-
12 Follow-Up Sessions
Career Roadmap & Action Plan for Extracurricular Strategy
Skills Development Plan and Mentorship Guidance
Dedicated Career Coach for the Duration of the Program
Best Value
We Handle Your Child’s Entire Education
Every year
The Stress-free Solution: Comprehensive All-in-One Support at Every Stage of Your Academic Journey
Valid until canceled
1-on-1 Customized Mentors
Unlimited Tutoring
Multiple Subjects (AP, IB, Honors, etc.)
SAT / ACT/ PSAT Test Preparations
Career Discovery Test & Report (~40 Page Analysis)
Extracurricular Strategy and Weekly Follow-ups.
Personalized High School Roadmap.
Application Planning & Evaluation Service
College list and Pre-Planning
Common Application/Coalition Application Essays
Full College Application Support
Supplemental Essays
Academic Resume / Brag Sheet
Interview Coaching
Letter of Recommendation Guidance
Waitlist Appeal Letters & Letters of Continued Interest
Transfer Application Consulting
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